Microsoft Office is a popular office software suite that provides programs for functions including spreadsheets, word processing, database management, email, and desktop publishing. Our range of Microsoft Office courses will show you how to get the best out of all the most vital office tools, including Word, PowerPoint, Access, and more.
General knowledge about Computer
- Hardware
- Software
- Install and Uninstall Software
- Control Panel, System Property, Services, Process
- Typing Method
Operating System
- Definition
- Function
- Evolution of OS
Microsoft word
The Microsoft Word 2013 screen
- Starting Microsoft Word 2013
- The Microsoft Word 2013 opening screen
- To create a new blank document
- The levels of command organization
- The file tab
- Ribbon tabs
- Groups
- Dialog box launcher
Starting to use Microsoft Word 2013
- Using the default Microsoft Word document
- Saving Microsoft Word documents
- Opening and closing documents
- Save as
- Creating a new, blank document using a keyboard shortcut
- Using help within Microsoft Word
- Alt key help
- Closing Microsoft Word
Using templates to create documents
- Creating new documents using different templates
- Using online templates
Manipulating text
- Select, then format
- Selecting text
- Inserting, deleting, undo and redo
- Insert and overtype mode
- Copying text within a document
- Moving (cutting) text within a document
Pining files and folders and opening documents
- Pinning
- Recently open documents
- Viewing a document where you left off
Microsoft Word 2013 text formatting
- What is text formatting?
- Font type
- Font size
- Decrease and increase font size icons
- Font size keyboard shortcut
- Bold, italic and underline
- Subscript and superscript
- Case changing
- Highlighting
- Font color
- Copying text formatting
- Removing formatting
- Using zoom
- Inserting special characters and symbols
Microsoft Word 2013 paragraph formatting
- Paragraph marks
- Soft paragraph (line break) marks
- Recommended techniques for aligning and indenting text
- Aligning text
- Indenting paragraphs
- Applying single or double line spacing within paragraphs
- Applying spacing above or below paragraphs
- Using paragraph spacing rather than using the return key
- Applying bullets to a list
- Applying numbering a list
- Modifying bullet and numbering formatting
- Removing bullet or numbering formatting
Borders and shading within Microsoft Word 2013
- Using borders and shading
- Adding a border
- Modifying borders
- Adding shading
- Modifying your shading
- Applying borders to selected text
- Tab stops
- Displaying the ruler
- Setting and removing tabs using the ruler
- Viewing tab marks using the show/hide icon
Microsoft Word 2013 styles
- What are styles?
- Applying styles
Using Word 2013 design themes
- Applying a theme color
- Apply a customized font
Microsoft Word 2013 page formatting
- What is page formatting?
- Page orientation and paper size
- Changing the page size
- Page margins
- Inserting page breaks
- Deleting page breaks
- Use page breaks rather than repeatedly pressing the return key
- Headers and footers
- Easy header and footer creation
- Page numbering
- Header and footer fields
- Editing text within a header or footer
- Cover pages
- Applying automatic hyphenation
Word 2013 views and document navigation
- Switching between Word views
- Using the zoom tool
- Navigating through documents
- Using tables
- Inserting a table
- Navigating within a table
- Selecting and editing text within a table
- Selecting cells, rows, columns, or the entire table
- Inserting and deleting rows and columns
- Modifying column width or row height
- Modifying the table width
- Modifying table styles
Using illustrations within Microsoft Word
- Types of illustrations that you can insert within Word 2013
- Inserting pictures
- Inserting online pictures
- Inserting shapes
- Inserting SmartArt
- Inserting a chart
- Modifying the chart type
- Modifying the chart style
- Modifying the chart data
- Inserting a screenshot
- Selecting, resizing, and deleting illustrations
- Copying or moving graphics
Finding and replacing text within a Microsoft 2013 document
- Using find and replace
- Finding text
- Replacing text
Using multiple open documents
- Multitasking with Word 2013
- Switching between open documents
- Tiling or cascading documents on your screen
- Comparing documents side by side
- Copying or moving selected items between documents
Microsoft Word 2013 mail merge
- What is mail merging?
- Starting the mail merge wizard
- Mail merge wizard – step 1 of 6 ‘select document type’
- Mail merge wizard – step 2 of 6 ‘select starting document
- Mail merge wizard – step 3 of 6 ‘select recipients’
- Mail merge wizard – step 4 of 6 ‘write your letter’
- Mail merge wizard – step 5 of 6: previewing your letters
- Mail merge wizard – step 6 of 6 printing options
- Creating a mailing list to be used within a mail merge
- Merging a mailing list to produce labels
Microsoft Excel
Getting started with Excel 2013
- Starting Excel 2013 using windows 7 (or previous versions)
- Selecting the blank worksheet template
- The Excel 2013 cell referencing system
- Entering numbers and text
- Default text and number alignment
- Summing a column of numbers
- Entering a date
- Worksheets and workbooks
- Saving a workbook to your hard disk
- Closing a workbook
- Creating a new workbook
- Opening a workbook
- Opening a recently used workbook
- Pinning files and folders
- Switching between workbooks
- Saving a workbook using another name
- Saving a workbook using a different file type
- Getting help within Excel 2013
- Searching for help
- The help ‘table of contents
- Printing a help topic
- Alt key help
- Using other Excel templates
Excel 2013 selection techniques
- Why are selection techniques important?
- Selecting a cell
- Selecting a range of connecting cells
- Selecting a range of non-connecting cells
- Selecting the entire worksheet
- Selecting a row
- Selecting a range of connecting rows
- Selecting a range of non-connected rows
- Selecting a column
- Selecting a range of connecting columns
- Selecting a range of non-connecting columns
- Recommended techniques when creating or editing lists
Manipulating rows and columns within Excel 2013
- Inserting rows into a worksheet
- Inserting columns into a worksheet
- Deleting rows within a worksheet
- Deleting columns within a worksheet
- Modifying column widths
- Modifying column widths using ‘drag and drop’
- Automatically resizing the column width to fit contents
- Modifying row heights
Manipulating cells and cell content within Excel 2013
- Copying a cell or range contents within a workbook
- Deleting cell contents
- Moving the contents of a cell or range within a workbook
- Editing cell content
- Undo and redo
- Copying data between worksheets (within the same workbook)
- Moving data between worksheets (within the same workbook)
- Moving data worksheets (between different workbooks)
- Copying data between worksheets (in different workbooks)
- AutoFill
- Copying a data range using AutoFill
- Sorting a cell range
- Searching and replacing data
Excel 2013 worksheets
- Switching between worksheets
- Renaming a worksheet
- Recommended techniques with naming worksheets
- Inserting a new worksheet
- Deleting a worksheet
- Copying a worksheet within a workbook
- Moving a worksheet within a workbook
- Copying or moving worksheets between workbooks
Font formatting within Excel 2013
- Font formatting options
- Font type
- Font size
- Bold, italic, underline formatting
- Cell border formatting
- Formatting the background-color
- Formatting the font color
Alignment formatting within Excel 2013
- Horizontally aligning contents in a cell range
- Centering a title over a cell range
- Cell orientation
- Text wrapping within a cell
- Aligning cell contents vertically
- Format painter
Number formatting within Excel 2013
- Number formatting
- Decimal point display
- Applying and removing comma style formatting (to indicate thousands)
- Currency symbol
- Date styles
- Percentages
Freezing row and column titles within Excel 2013
- Freezing row and column titles
Excel 2013 formulas
- Creating formulas
- The easy way to create formulas
- Copying formulas
- Operators
- Using operators in formulas
- Formula error messages
- Relative cell referencing within formulas
- Absolute cell referencing within formulas
Excel 2013 functions
- What are functions?
- Common functions
- Sum function
- Average function
- Max function
- Min function
- Count function
- The count function
- The countblank function
- What are ‘if functions’?
- Using the if function
Excel 2013 charts
- Inserting a column chart
- Inserting a line chart
- Inserting a bar chart
- Inserting a pie chart
- Resizing a chart
- Deleting a chart
- Chart title or labels
- Changing the column, bar, line, or pie slice colors in a chart
- Modifying the legend fill color
- Changing the chart type
- Modifying charts using the layout tab
- Copying and moving charts within a worksheet
- Copying and moving charts between worksheets
- Copying and moving charts between workbooks
Microsoft PowerPoint
Using PowerPoint 2013
- Opening PowerPoint 2013
- Opening a presentation
- Navigating between slides
- Using the zoom tool
- Changing PowerPoint views
- Using help
- Searching for help
- Using the help table of contents
- Saving a presentation
- Closing a presentation
- Closing PowerPoint
- Opening multiple presentations
- Switching between multiple presentations
Creating a PowerPoint 2013 presentation
- Creating a new presentation
- Inserting a new slide
- Recommended techniques when creating slide content
- Undo and redo
- Saving a presentation
- Saving a presentation using a different name
Manipulating slides within PowerPoint 2013
- Inserting slides with a particular slide layout
- Modifying the slide layout
- Changing the background color on the active slide
- Changing background color on all the slides within a presentation
PowerPoint 2013 design themes
- Applying a theme to a presentation
- Modifying the theme colors
- Modifying the theme fonts
Text boxes
- Editing text boxes (placeholders)
- Resizing a text box (placeholder)
- Moving a text box (placeholder)
Manipulating text in PowerPoint 2013
- Selecting text
- Moving text within a slide
- Moving text between slides within a presentation or between presentations
- Copying text within a slide
- Copying text between slides within a presentation or between presentations
- Deleting text
- Using find
- Using replace
Font formatting within PowerPoint 2013
- Font formatting options
- Changing the font type
- Changing font size
- Increasing or decreasing the font size
- Bold, italic, or underline formatting
- Strikethrough effects
- Shadow effects
- Character spacing
- Changing case
- Font color
- Clearing all text formatting
Paragraph formatting within PowerPoint 2013
- Text alignment
- Columns
- Modifying bullet point formatting
- Using numbering instead of bullet points
- Changing the list level
- Indenting bulleted text
- Line spacing vs. Paragraph spacing
- Line spacing
- Paragraph spacing
- Using outline view
- PowerPoint presenter notes
- Text direction
- Text alignment within a text box (placeholder)
- Text AutoFit
- Using the format painter
Tables and PowerPoint 2013
- Table selection techniques
- Column selection
- Row selection
- Entire table selection
- Creating a table
- Applying a style to a table
- Cell background shading
- Applying table effects
- Adding ‘quick styles’ to selected text
- Applying borders to cells
- Deleting a column
- Deleting a row
- Inserting rows or columns
- Modifying column width and row height
- Distributing rows and columns
PowerPoint 2013 & illustrations
- Selecting an illustration
- Selecting multiple illustrations
- Moving an illustration
- Copying an illustration
- Deleting an illustration
- Resizing an illustration
- Stretching an illustration
- Copying illustrations between presentations
- Moving illustrations between presentations
- Inserting illustrations within PowerPoint
- Inserting pictures from your hard disk
- Inserting online pictures or clip art
- Inserting shapes
- Inserting text into a shape
- Inserting perfect circles or perfect squares
- Inserting a line
- Inserting a free drawn line
- Inserting an arrow
- Inserting a text box
- Inserting SmartArt
Manipulating illustrations within PowerPoint 2013
- Formatting the shape background fill color style
- Applying a shadow to an illustration
- Modifying arrow line shapes and size
- Rotating or flipping an illustration
- Rotating illustrations by dragging with the mouse
- Layering illustrations to the front or back
- Aligning graphics relative to each other or relative to the slide
- Aligning shapes relative to the left of a slide
- Aligning shapes relative to the center of a slide
- Aligning shapes relative to the right of a slide
- Aligning shapes relative to the top of a slide
- Aligning shapes relative to the bottom of a slide
- Grouping and ungrouping objects
Charts in PowerPoint 2013
- Inserting charts and editing the chart data
- Changing the chart type
- Changing the background color in the chart
- Changing the column, bar, line, or pie slice colors in the chart
- Chart title manipulation
- Adding data labels to a chart
Manipulating slides within PowerPoint 2013
- Moving slides within a presentation or between presentations
- Copying slides within a presentation
- Deleting a slide or slides
- Copying slides between presentations
- Moving slides between presentations
PowerPoint 2013 slide masters
- What is a slide master?
- Inserting a picture (clipart) into a master slide
- Removing a picture or shape from a master slide
Headers, footers, and slide numbering
- Creating a footer
- Automatic slide numbering
- Inserting dates into the footer
PowerPoint 2013 slide shows
- Running a slide show
- Adding slide show transition effects
- Removing transition effects
- Adding slide show animation effects
- Modifying slide show animation effects
- Removing animation effects
- Hiding slides
- Displaying hidden slides within a slide show
Video creation using PowerPoint 2013
- Inserting hyperlinks into slides
- Converting a PowerPoint presentation into a video
- Uploading a video to YouTube
Printing and proofing in PowerPoint 2013
- Spell-checking a presentation
- Using portrait or landscape slide orientation
- Switching between standard and widescreen formats
- Selecting your output format
- Visually inspect each slide before printing
- Printing options
- Setting the number of copies to print
- Selecting a different printer
- Printing selected slides
- Setting the number of slides per page to be printed
- Single or double-sided (duplex) printing
- To print a presentation
Microsoft Access
- What is a database?
- Database examples
- What is a relational database?
- What is a table?
- What is a record (row)?
- What is a field (column)?
- What is data?
- The difference between data and information
- Data types
- Common uses of large-scale databases
- Keeping data discrete
- Each field should contain only one item
- Database designers, database administrators, and database users
- Opening a database within your samples folder
- Trusted locations – using the trust center
- Setting the default folder location within Access
- Creating a new blank database
- Adding fields and setting the field type
- About Access data types
- Closing and naming a table
- Opening a table within a database
- Switching between ‘datasheet view’ and ‘design view’
- Adding records to a table
- Saving the changes made to a table
- Navigating through records within a table
- Adjusting the column width
- Automatically resizing a column width to fit contents
- Moving a column to rearrange the column order
- Field properties
- Input masks
- Validating numbers
- Validating dates
- Data entry required / not required
- Field properties – reference materials
- Field properties – logical operators
- Field properties – validation rule examples
- Field properties – general
- Field properties – format
- Field properties – input mask characters
- Field properties – input mask examples
- Renaming a table
- Editing data within a record
- Deleting data within a record
- Using the undo command
- Deleting a single record
- Deleting multiple records
- Using save as to back up the database using a different file name
- Deleting a table
- Defining a primary key
- Indexing – reference notes
- Creating a single-field index
- Creating a multiple-field index
- Deleting multi-field indexes
- Text filters
- Applying a single filter
- Clearing a single filter
- Creating multiple filters
- Clearing multiple filters
- Sorting records a-z
- Sorting records z-a
- Removing a sort
- Sorting on multiple fields
- Searching through records
- Access 2013 relationships
- Table relationships
- One-to-many relationship
- Many-to-many relationship
- One-to-one relationships
- Creating relationships between tables
- About referential integrity
- Enabling referential integrity
- Cascade options
- Cascade update related fields
- Cascade delete related records
- Enabling cascade options
- Deleting relationships
- Forms overview
- Creating forms
- Modifying forms
- Modifying a form title
- Changing a form logo
- Modifying a form label
- Saving a form
- Form view
- Adding and formatting attachments
- Modifying data within records
- Deleting records using a form
- Adding records using a form
- Adding or deleting text in a record using a form
- Closing forms
- Opening forms
- Deleting a form
- Filtering a form
- Removing a filter from a form
- Inserting and modifying a form header
- Inserting and modifying a form footer
Scanning & Printing
- Scan required document
- Setting the pixel of scanned image
- Setting the default location for storage
- Printing the document
- Photocopy the required document
Surfing Internet
- Introduction to the WWW
- Concept of Cloud Storage and Servers
- How to find the required material on the web
- Search engine working mechanism