Java is an Object-oriented Programming Language. It is platform-independent, secure, and is used to develop software and applications. A Java program Can run Various operating Systems. With this Java Training, you will be able to understand the all concepts clearly.
Objectives of Java Training
- Familiar with Java Language
- How to write Java code According to OOPs concepts
- Design Graphical User applications
- Develop the applications using JDBC
Java Training Content :
Basic Core Java
New Features JAVASE 6 & J2SE 5.0
- Generics
- Enhanced for loop(for each loop)
- Autoboxing/Unboxing
- Typesafe Enums
- Varargs
- Static Import
- Metadata(Annotations)
- Collections Framework
- Reflection API
- Application Development on Eclipse IDE
Java 7 New Features
Introduction to JAVA
- How to Install Java and about Environment Variables
- JVM Architecture
- Datatypes, Variables, Keywords, and Identifiers
- Operators and Expressions, Naming Conventions in Java
- Control Flow Statements
- Arrays
- Command Line Arguments
- Object and Class
- Object-Oriented Programming(OOP)
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Abstract Classes, Inner Classes
- Access Specifiers, Access Modifiers
- Packages
- Collection Frame Work
- Exception Handling
- Multi-Threading
- Input/Output Streams
- Networking
- AWT, Applets, and Swings
FAQ’s and SCJP Exam Oriented Concepts
Advanced Java
Course Highlights
- Developing Web applications on MyEclipse and Net Beans IDEs.
- Deploying Servlets and JSPs on Weblogic, Websphere, JBoss application Servers
JDBC 4.0
- Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC architecture
- java.sql Package
- Connection, Statement, ResultSet
- Prepared Statement
- Callable Statement
- Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet
- Batch Updates
- ResultSetMetaData
- Simple Transaction Management
- Four Levels of JDBC drivers, their pros & cons
- Features of JDBC 3.0
Servlets 3.0
- Need of Server-side Programming
- Introduction to Servlets
- Servlet Life Cycle
- javax.servlet package
- ServletConfig, ServletContext, ServletResponse
- Supplying initialization parameters to Servlets
- Performing database operations in Servlets
- Include and forward mechanisms
- Applying filters to Servlets
- javax.servlet.http Package
- HttpServlet Life Cycle
- Http request methods GET vs POST
- HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse
- Dealing with Http headers & error codes
- Session Tracking, purpose
- Hidden form fields, Cookies
- Http Session, URL rewriting
- Event listeners
- Web application security
JSP 2.2
- Disadvantages of Servlets
- Introduction to JSP
- JSP Life Cycle
- Creating dynamic Web content with JSP
- Scripting elements
- Scriplet
- Declaration
- Expression
- XML syntax for JSP elements
- JSP directives page, include and taglib
- JSP implicit objects
- JSP scopes
- Include and forward mechanism
- Using a Java bean in a jsp
- JSP Model 1 architecture
- JSP Model 2 (MVC) architecture
- Custom Tag Development
- Classic Tags, Simple Tags
- Error Handling in a jsp
- Expression Language
- Processing XML in a jsp
Java EE
RMI-Remote Method Ivocation
- Java Distributed Technology
- RMI Architecture
- Dynamic / Bootstrap Clients
- Object Passing in RMI
- Activation
J2EE Introduction J2EE Architecture, Comparison between J2EE&.NET,J2EE Application development roles.
EJB – Enterprise Java Beans
- Introduction
- Comparison between different Distributed tech(EJB, CORBA, COM/DCOM)
- EJB Architecture
- EJB Container
- Stateless Session Bean
- Stateful Session Bean
- Bean Managed Entity Bean (Container Managed Entity Bean, Bean Managed Security)
- Container-Managed Security
- Bean Managed Transactions
- Container-Managed Security
- Bean Managed Transactions
- Container-Managed Transactions
- Clusters
- Using JDBC Connection Pool in EJB
EJB 2.0
- Local Enterprise Beans
- CMP2.0 model – Container-Managed Persistency
- EJBQL – EJB Query Language
- EJB Select Methods
- Finder Methods with EJBQL
- CMR – Container Manager Relationships
- MDB-Message Driven Bean
EJB 2.1
- Enhancements to EJB –QL
- Timer Service
- Web services Support to SLSB
EJB 3.0
- Introduction to EJB 3.0
- Architecture of EJB 3.0
- Session Beans in EJB 3.0
- Stateless Session Bean
- Stateful Session Bean
- Entity Components + JPA 1.0
- Simplified packagingin on context dependency injection (CDI)
- JPA-Java persistence API
- Relations with Entites
- one-to-one
- one-to-many
- many-to-one,
- many-to-many
- inheritance with Entities
- JPQL-Java Persistance Query Language
- Message Driven Bean in EJB 3.0
- Transaction with EJB 3.0
- AOP in EJB 3.0
- AOP – Aspect oriented programming
- Exposing EJB 3.0
- Stateless Session Bean as Web Service
EJB 3.1
- Introduction of 3.1
- Removal of local business interface
- Introduction of singletons
- Asynchronous Session Beans
- Embeddable API forexecuting EJB in Java SE env
JTS/JTA-JavaTransaction Service / Java Transaction API
- ACID(Atomicity , Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties
- When to use Transactions
- Local
- Transactions
- Distributed Transactions
- Flat Transactions
- Nested Transactions
- Chained Transactions
- Two- phase Commit Protocol
JNDI-Java Naming & Directory Interface
- JNDI Architecture, Programming with JNDI, JNDI Security.
JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service)
JMS 1.1 (Java Messaging Service)
Java Mail 1.3
XML (extensible markup Language)
- Introduction
- Need of XML in application architectures
- DTD (Document Type Definition)
- XML Parsers – SAX (Simple API for XML)
- DOM (Document Object Model)
- using IBM’s XML4J
- parser
- XML Schemas
- XML DB Utility (XML SQL Utility)
- XSL tags
- using apache szian’s XSLT engine for transformation
- X path specifications
- X path expressions
JAXP 1.2 (Java API for XML Parsing)
Web Services
- SOAP 1.1 (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- UDDI 2.0 (The Universel Description, Discovery and Integration )
- WSDL 1.1(Web Services Description Language)
- JAX-RPC 1.1(Java API for XML Remote Procedure Call)
- SAAJ 1.2 (SOAP with Attachments API for Java)
- JAXR (Java API for XML Registration)
- JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding)
- JAXWS (Java API for XML …….Webservices)
J2EE Design Patterns
- Weblogic 10.0
- IBM Websphere 6.0
- J Boss
- Sun one Application Server 9.1
- Oracle 9i Application Server
- Pramati
- Glass Fish
- My Eclipse
- J Builder
- Intellij
- Net Beans
- Weblogic Workshop
- EXADEL Studio
- Build – ANT
- Logging – Log 4j