Tally Prime
Course Summary:
This course provides an overview of Tally Prime, the latest accounting software offered by Tally Solutions. With a new look and feel, Tally Prime offers users the same features as Tally ERP 9 and much more. The course covers topics such as sales, purchases, inventory management, payroll, bank transactions, and statutory compliance.
Course Topics:
The course covers a range of topics, including company creation, accounts with inventory, payroll, point of sales (POS), manufacturing accounts, cost centre and cost category, bank reconciliation, job costing, TDS, VAT, GST with Tally, interest calculation, and E-way bill.
Course Syllabus:
The course begins with an introduction to Tally Prime and covers topics such as purchase orders, sales orders, purchase returns, sales returns, payroll, interest calculations, job costing, manufacturing finished goods, bank account reconciliation, cost allocations (cost category and cost centre), TDS calculations, recording of GST compliance transactions, and an introduction to E-way bill.
Course duration: 45 Hours.
Course Benefits:
This course provides participants with an in-depth knowledge of accounting and invoicing and insight into statutory compliances.
Jquery is a Multi-browser Javascript web-based Application. jquery Training Design and develop web applications. In this, we learn Html5, Jquery Library, Script Based Applications.
jQuery Training prerequisites
- Web developers need to get to grips with key jQuery functionality in order to develop rich interactive web applications.
- Working knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
jQuery Training Objectives
- Design and build rich interactive web applications.
- Creating an interactive user interface.
- The jQuery library makes it easy to manipulate a page of HTML after it’s displayed by the browser.
- It also provides tools that help you listen for a user to interact with your page, tools that help you create animations in your page, and tools that let you communicate with a server without reloading the page.
jQuery Training Duration
- 30 Working Days
jQuery Training Course Overview
- What You Should Already Know
- What is jQuery?
- Adding the jQuery Library to Your Pages
- Basic jQuery Example
- Downloading jQuery
- Alternatives to Downloading
- jQuery Syntax
- The Document Ready Function
- How to use Custom Scripts?
- Using Multiple Libraries
- jQuery – noConflict() Method
jQuery – Basics
- String
- Numbers
- Boolean
- Objects
- Arrays
- Functions
- Arguments
- Scope
- Built-in Functions
jQuery – Selectors
How to use Selectors?
- jQuery – CSS Element Selector and ID Selector
- jQuery – CSS Element Class Selector and Universal Selector
- jQuery – CSS Multiple Elements E, F, G Selector
- jQuery Callback Functions
jQuery – DOM Attributes
- Get Attribute Value
- Set Attribute Value
jQuery – DOM Traversing
- Find Elements by index
- Filtering out Elements
- Locating Descendent Elements
- JQuery DOM Traversing Methods
jQuery – CSS Methods
- Apply CSS Properties and Multiple CSS Properties
- Setting Element Width & Height
- JQuery CSS Methods
jQuery – DOM Manipulation Methods
- Content Manipulation
- DOM Element Replacement
- Removing DOM Elements
- Inserting DOM elements
- DOM Manipulation Methods
- Binding event handlers
- Removing event handlers
- Event Types
- The Event Object and Attributes
jQuery – Effects
- JQuery Effect Methods, Hide and Show
- jQuery Toggle
- jQuery Slide – slideDown, slideUp, slideToggle
- jQuery Fade – fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeTo
- jQuery Custom Animations
jQuery – AJAX
- load()
- get()
- post()
- ajax()
jQuery – JSON
- getJSON()
HTML5 and CSS3
HTML5 is everywhere and is a technology that can no longer be ignored or treated as a mere extension of HTML4. HTML5 is a vast umbrella term for modern Front End Engineering, namely JavaScript, Markup, DeviceAPIs, and Styles. Almost anything you see in App Stores can now be created with pure HTML5.
Although we will cover some of the most exciting features of HTML5 such as geolocation, web sockets, local storage, Real-Time Communications(Web Workers, Web Socket), File / Hardware Access(Native Drag and Drop, FileSystem APIs, Geolocation, Device Orientation, and Speech Input), Semantics and Markup, Multimedia, Graphics (2D and 3D Effects) SVG and Canvas, the focus of the course will be to help people understand the core principles and best practices for creating websites and apps.
CSS3 is split up into “modules”. The old specification has been split into smaller pieces, and new ones are also added. Some of the most important CSS3 modules are Selectors, Box Model, Backgrounds and Borders, Text Effects, 2D/3D Transformations, Animations, Multiple Column Layout, and User Interface
HTML5 and CSS3 Training Course Prerequisite
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript
HTML5 and CSS3 Training Course Objectives
- As we jump into the course, let me just give you the course objectives, the things that I’m trying accomplish here, and the first thing is to introduce you to HTML5, and really quite honestly, one of my objectives, HTML5 like everything that has to do with the web.
- HTML5 is the ubiquitous platform for the web. Whether you’re a mobile web developer, an enterprise with specific business needs, or a serious game dev looking to explore the web as a new platform, HTML5 has something for you! HTML5 is making the web platform more powerful in a number of different areas.
HTML5 and CSS3 Course Duration
- 30 Working days, daily one and half hours
HTML5 and CSS3 Course Content
Introduction to WEB
- W3C and W3C Members
- What is the Web?
HTML Basics
- Introduction
- Parts in HTML Document
- Editors
- Basic
- Elements
- Attributes
- Headings
- Basics
- Paragraphs
- Formatting
- Links
- Head
- Images
- Tables
- JavaScript
- HTML4 Drawbacks
HTML5 Introduction
- New Features and groups
- Backward Compatibility
- Why HTML5?
- Power of HTML5:
- m or mobi or touch domains
- Common Terms in HTML5
HTML5 Syntax
- Character Encoding:
Obsolete Elements/Deprecated Elements
- <acronym>
- <applet>
- <basefont>
- <big>
- <center>
- <dir>
- <font>
- <frame>
- <frameset>
- <isindex>
- <noframes>
- <s>
- <strike>
- <tt>
- <u>
- <xmp>
HTML5 New Elements
- New Semantic/Structural Elements
- <article>
- <aside>
- <bdi>
- <command>
- <details>
- <dialog>
- <summary>
- <figure>
- <figcaption>
- <footer>
- <header>
- <mark>
- <meter>
- <nav>
- <progress>
- <ruby>
- <rt>
- <rp>
- <section>
- <time>
- <wbr>
HTML5 Canvas
- What is Canvas?
- Create a Canvas
- Canvas Coordinates
- Canvas – Paths
- Canvas – Text
- Canvas – Gradients
- Canvas – Images
- What is SVG?
- SVG Advantages
- Differences Between SVG and Canvas
- Comparison of Canvas and SVG
HTML5 Drag/Drop
- Introduction
- Make an Element Draggable
- What to Drag?Where to Drop?
HTML5 Geo location
- Introduction
- Locate the User’s Position+
- Handling Errors and Rejections
- The getCurrentPosition()
- Geolocation object
HTML5 Video
- Introduction
- Video on the Web
- How does It work?
- Video Formats and Browser Support
- HTML5 Video Tags
HTML5 Audio
- Introduction
- Audio on the Web
- How does It work?
- Audio Formats and Browser Support
- HTML5 Audio Tags
HTML5 Input Types
- Introduction
- color
- date
- DateTime
- DateTime-local
- month
- number
- range
- search
- tel
- time
- url
- week
HTML5 Form Elements
- <datalist>
- <keygen>
- <output>
HTML5 Form Attributes
- New attributes for <form> and <input>New attributes for <form>:
- autocomplete
- novalidate
New attributes for <input>
- autocomplete
- autofocus
- form, formaction
- formenctype,formmethod
- formnovalidate
- formtarget
- height and width
- list, min and max
- multiple
- pattern (regexp)
- placeholder
- required, step
HTML5 Semantic
- Introduction
- What are Semantic Elements?
- non-semantic elements: <div> and <span>
- semantic elements: <form>, <table>, and <img>
- New Semantic Elements in HTML5
- <header>
- <nav>
- <section>
- <article>
- <aside>
- <figcaption>
- <figure>
- <footer>
HTML5 Web Storage
- What is HTML5 Web Storage?
- Browser Support
- The localStorage Object
- The sessionStorage Object
HTML5 App Cache
- What is Application Cache?
- Cache Manifest Basics
- HTML5 Cache Manifest
HTML5 Web Workers
- What is a Web Worker?
- Check Web Worker Support
- Create a Web Worker File
- Terminate a Web Worker
- One Way Messaging
- Browser Support
- The EventSource Object
HTML Media
- New Media Elements
- <audio>
- <video>
- <source>
- <embed>
- <track>
HTML Multimedia
- What is Multimedia?
- Browser Support
- Multimedia Formats
- Video Formats
- Sound Formats
HTML5 – MathML
- Introduction
- Using MathML Characters
- Matrix Presentation
- Math Formulas
CSS 1.0 and 2.0
- CSS Basics
- CSS Introduction
- CSS Syntax,CSS Id, Class and CSS Styling,Styling Backgrounds
- Styling Text,Styling Fonts, Links, Styling Lists and Styling Tables
- CSS Border
- Introduction
- CSS3 Modules
- Selectors
- Box Model
- Backgrounds and Borders
- Text Effects
- 2D/3D Transformations
- Animations
- Multiple Column Layout
- User Interface
- border-radius
- box-shadow
- border-image
CSS3 Backgrounds
- background-size
- background-origin
CSS3 Text Effects
- text-shadow
- word-wrap
CSS3 Fonts
- @font-face Rule
- font-stretch
- font-weight
CSS3 2D Transforms
- How Does it Work?
- Browser Support
- 2D Transforms
- translate()
- rotate()
- scale()
- skew()
- matrix()
CSS3 3D Transforms
- rotateX()
- rotateY()
CSS3 Transitions
- How does it work?
- transition-property, duration and delay
CSS3 Animations
- CSS3 @keyframes Rule
- Browser Support
- Animation, animation-duration
CSS3 Multiple Columns
- column-count
- column-gap
- column-rule
CSS3 User Interface
- resize
- box-sizing
- outline-offset
C++ is a general Purpose Programming language that supports Object-Oriented Concepts., generally C++ is a Super Set of C Language Every C application can be upgraded in C++ with Object-Oriented Concepts There are many applications like Operating Systems.
Unix, Windows, Linux, NoCrysis Warhead and Other Cool games, No Photoshop, No Firefox, No VLC, No FL Studio, No Playstation, No XBOX, and the list continue. 90% of the applications in the world are written in C and C++.
C++ Training Course Objective
The main objective student can able to implement the applications can develop the Programs with classes and objects. The developed application of C can change into classes and can add all the Object-Oriented Concepts. Developing in C++ the application is more optimized and efficient than C.
C++ Training Course Duration
- Normal Track 45 Working days, daily 1.30 hours.
- Fast Track 35 Working days, daily 2.0 hours.
C++ Training Content
- Introduction to C++
- Different paradigms of problem-solving
- POP vs OOP
- Features of Object-Oriented Programming Languages
- Object
- Class
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic Binding
- Message Communication
- Constants
- Variables
- Keywords
- Data types
- Declaration of Variables
- Output Stream (cout) & Manipulators
- Input Stream (cin)
- Comments
- Operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operators & compound assessment operations
- Increment & decrement operators
- Conditional operators
- Bitwise operators
- Shift operators
- Typecasting
- Compound assignment operators
- Address operators
- Comma operator
- Pointer operator
- Sizeof operator
- new operator
- delete operator
- .*
- *::
- ::
- Control Statements
- Conditional Control Statements
- If, if-else
- nested if-else, if-else-if ladder
- Multiple Branching Control Structure
- switch-case
- Loop Control statements
- while
- do-while
- for
- Nested Loops
- Jump Control structures
- break
- continue
- goto
- return
- Arrays
- Strings
- Structures
- Pointers
- Dynamic memory allocation using new and delete
- Defining a Function
- Calling a Function
- Return statement
- Function Prototype
- Basic Function Designs
- Scope
- Reference variables
- Recursion
- Parameter Passing Methods
- Call by value
- Call by address
- Call by reference
- Function Overloading
- Default Arguments
- Inline Functions
Classes and Objects
- Defining a Class
- Creating Objects
- Access specifiers
- Accessing Class Members
- Scope Resolution Operator ( :: )
- Defining Member Functions
- Outside the class
- Inside the class
- Member function with argument
- This pointer
- Passing Objects as Arguments
- Returning Objects
- Array of objects
- Pointer to object
- Dynamic objects
- Friend Functions
- Friend Class
- Composition
- Container class
- Contained class
- Programs
- Student Class
- Employee Class
- Complex Class
- Matrix Class
- Rational Class
- Circle Class
- Rectangle Class
- Composition
Constructors & Destructors
- Constructors
- Properties of constructors
- Types of constructors
- Default Constructors
- Parameterized Constructors
- Copy Constructors
- Constructor Overloading
- Constructors with Default Arguments
- Destructors
- Differences between Member functions & Constructors
- Differences between Constructors & Destructors
- Static Data Members
- Static member functions
- Constant data members
- Constant Member Functions
Operator Overloading
- Defining Operator Overloading Function
- Overloading Unary Operators
- Overloading Binary Operators
- Overloading Unary Operators using Friend Functions
- Overloading Binary Operators using Friend Functions
- Overloading << & >>
- Programs
- Class hierarchies
- Base classes
- Derived Classes
- Derived Class Definition
- Access specifier : protected
- Types of Inheritance & Programs
- Single inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
- Multi-level inheritance
- Hybrid inheritance
- Multi-path inheritance
- Constructors in Derived Classes
- Destructors in Derived Classes
Polymorphism and Virtual Functions
- Static Binding
- Dynamic Binding
- Virtual Destructor
- Function Overriding
- Accessing Members using Pointers
- Virtual Functions
- Pure Virtual Functions
- Abstract Classes
- Virtual Destructors
- Introduction
- Advantages
- Function Templates
- Over loading function template
- Class Templates
- Inheritance Class Templates
Exception Handling
- Types of Errors
- Benefits of exception handling
- try, catch, throw keywords
- Throwing an exception
- ‘try’ block
- Catching an exception
- Exception objects
- Rethrowing an exception
- Exception Handling Mechanism
- Catching all exceptions
- Nested try blocks
- File Streams Classes
- Opening & Closing a File
- Detection End of File
- File Pointers & Their Manipulation
- Sequential Files
- Random Access Files
I-O Streams
- I-O stream Class hierarchies
- Unformatted I-O Operation
- get(), put(), getline()
- write()
- in cout
- cin
- Formatted I-O Operations
- width(), precision()
- fill(), setf()
- unsetf()
- Manipulators
- Manipulator operators
- Endl, ends
- manipulator functions
- setw(), setfill()
- setprecision()
- setiosflags()
- setbase()
- resetiosflags()
- User defined manipulators
- Operator and Overloading
- Manipulator operators
Standard Template Libraries
- Containers
- vector
- list, deque
- arrays
- forward_list
- queue
- priority_queue
- stack
- set, multiset
- map, multimap
- Algorithms
- Sorting, Searching
- Important STL Algorithms
- Useful Array algorithms
- Partition Operations
- Iterators
Diploma in Graphic Design
If you have an artistic mind and creative ideas it would be a cakewalk for you to pursue a career in Graphic Designing. Our lives these days run around digital media and it is worth knowing all that you see in this digital era is the work of a graphic designer.
Join our Diploma in Graphic Design Course and become efficient in using the graphic design software like a pro. You will understand the shortcuts and different ways to perform a particular project. You will also know all other related knowledge like image file formats, resolution, four-color separation, and more. All our courses ensure you learn practically based on assignments.
After doing this course you will learn to create Visiting cards, Bills, Trace logos, Newspaper advertising design, Flyers, Image Mixing, Changing image background, Changing image size, Making tonal adjustments in images, Special effects.
You can use your class assignment work to showcase your skills as a designer in interviews for internship or job purposes.
On successful completion of the course, you can apply for the post of Graphic designer, Image editor.
Course Duration : 3 Months
Time Duration: 100 Hours
Diploma in Graphic Design Course Details
Understand what is Graphic Design
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Accounting Package
Accounting is a growing field with a huge range of opportunities in Nepal. One of the factors about a career in accountancy is that regardless of size and scale all organizations are required to keep track of their finances, transactions, and budgets, as well as maintain and issue accounts, all of which require accountants.
In order to address the need for qualified accountants in the industry and leverage our experience in the Accounting Advisory domain, SIT in Nepal is offering an SIT course for accounting professionals’ which is designed to prepare for a career in accountancy.
Program highlights
SIT designed modules practical course takes you from basic to more advanced financial methodologies covering:
• Practical aspects of accounting and accounting practices prevailing across select industries
• Basic understanding of international accounting
• Basic concepts of direct and indirect taxation and companies act.
Course details
• Industry relevant curriculum
• Competence of core concepts with practical insights
• SIT in Nepal faculty and proprietary learning material, which also include books, classroom / live online tutoring
• Hybrid learning – through a mix of face-to-face sessions and learning management sessions
Eligibility & duration
• Students pursuing BBS / MBS / BBA / BSc / BA and / or accountants working in the industry
• 3 months course – comprising of 100 hours of training
Advanced Excel
Why Advanced Excel is Important?
It allows the customer to have the capability to utilize simple spreadsheet capacities such as practical tools, equations, diagrams, and other critical tools. Advanced Excel today is the requirement of high importance and taking in the skills of advanced excel can lead you to stand out among a big crowd of people.
- An overview of the screen, navigation, and basic spreadsheet concepts
- Various selection techniques
- Shortcut Keys
- Customizing the Ribbon
- Using and Customizing AutoCorrect
- Changing Excel’s Default Options
- Using Functions – Sum, Average, Max,Min, Count, Counta
- Absolute, Mixed and Relative Referencing
- Formatting Cells with Number formats, Font formats, Alignment, Borders, etc
- Basic conditional formatting
- SumIf, SumIfs CountIf, CountIfs AverageIf, AverageIfs
- File Level Protection
- Workbook, Worksheet Protection
- Upper, Lower, Proper
- Left, Mid, Right
- Trim, Len, Exact
- Concatenate
- Find, Substitute
- Today, Now
- Day, Month, Year
- Date, Date if, DateAdd
- EOMonth, Weekday
- Paste Formulas, Paste Formats
- Paste Validations
- Transpose Tables
New in Excel 2013 / 2016 & 365
- New Charts – Tree map & Waterfall
- Sunburst, Box and whisker Charts
- Combo Charts – Secondary Axis
- Adding Slicers Tool in Pivot & Tables
- Using Power Map and Power View
- Forecast Sheet
- Sparklines -Line, Column & Win/ Loss
- Using 3-D Map
- New Controls in Pivot Table – Field, Items and Sets
- Various Time Lines in Pivot Table
- Auto complete a data range and list
- Quick Analysis Tool
- Smart Lookup and manage Store
Sorting and FILTERING
- Filtering on Text, Numbers & Colors
- Sorting Options
- Advanced Filters on 15-20 different criteria(s)
- Setting Up Print Area
- Customizing Headers & Footers
- Designing the structure of a template
- Print Titles –Repeat Rows / Columns
- Goal Seek
- Scenario Analysis
- Data Tables (PMT Function)
- Solver Tool
- If Function
- How to Fix Errors – iferror
- Nested If
- Complex if and or functions
- Number, Date & Time Validation
- Text and List Validation
- Custom validations based on formula for a cell
- Dynamic Dropdown List Creation using Data Validation – Dependency List
- Vlookup / HLookup
- Index and Match
- Creating Smooth User Interface Using Lookup
- Nested VLookup
- Reverse Lookup using Choose Function
- Worksheet linking using Indirect
- Vlookup with Helper Column
- Creating Simple Pivot Tables
- Basic and Advanced Value Field Setting
- Classic Pivot table
- Grouping based on numbers and Dates
- Calculated Field & Calculated Items
Arrays Functions
- What are the Array Formulas, Use of the Array Formulas?
- Basic Examples of Arrays (Using ctrl+shift+enter).
- Array with if, len and mid functions formulas.
- Array with Lookup functions.
- Advanced Use of formulas with Array.
CHARTS and slicers
- Various Charts i.e. Bar Charts / Pie Charts / Line Charts
- Using SLICERS, Filter data with Slicers
- Manage Primary and Secondary Axis
- Planning a Dashboard
- Adding Tables and Charts to Dashboard
- Adding Dynamic Contents to Dashboard
Front-End Web Development Training
Web Design, Front-End Web Development Training
Course: – HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, JQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Photoshop, Responsive Web Design Training .
Diploma in Computer Applications or DCA is a diploma course which is specialized in computer applications, Web design, Hardware, and Networking. The DCA course contains the basic and the foundation subjects which are related to computer science and computer applications. The duration of the course is 18 months which consists of 5 semesters. The eligibility for the course is SEE or Above. Job opportunities for DCA computer Course can be found in the private, public, and Government sectors.
DCA Study subjects are listed below:
-Computer Fundamental and Windows.
-Office Package 2019 with Advanced Excel.
-Graphic Design (Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Advanced Photoshop 2021, CorelDRAW, Freehand, Adobe Pagemaker 7.0).
-Web Design(Front-End).
-Accounting Package(Tally Prime, Fact, SWASTIK Gold).
-Computer Hardware.
-Computer Networking with CCNA.
-Database and Computer Programming.